D. A. Whitacre Construction was founded in 1978 by Donald A. Whitacre. The company holds a California B1 General Contracting License as well as a C51 Structural Steel license.
The company specializes in commercial wood framing as well as metal joist, metal deck.
Project types include Retail Centers, Office Buildings, Hotels, Multi story/Multi Unit projects, Retirement facilities, Churches, Schools, Auto Dealerships, Club Houses/ Golf facilities, Casinos, Biomedical-Biotech-Pharmaceuticals, Historical renovations, Theme/Entertainment facilities, Downtown Redevelopment, Roof & Floor structures-all Wood, Hybrid & all Steel as well as Seismic Retrofits. .
D. A. Whitacre also provides services in the following fields: Preconstruction/ Value Engineering, Property Management and Tenant Improvements..
The company’s geographical area is Southern California. D. A. Whitacre Construction holds trade memberships in the Associated General Contractors, Associated Subcontractors Alliance, Associated Builders and Contractors and Structural Roof Erectors Association..
The company has had as many as 400 employees on payroll generating revenues in excess of $32 mil a year. Their largest single project contract is $ 4.5 mil and has a bonding capacity of $ 10 mil. The Company’s goal is attention to detail while adding value and to complete projects safely on time and at the best cost for their clients. For additional information, visit our website at www.dawhitacre.com